Saints Row 3Ds
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"Nintendo really wants to launch with a very balanced portfolio. They really don’t want it to feel like a kiddie platform. They were very clear: they really wanted Saints Row on it. Now, we know how those go sometimes: sure, the first party wants it, but is it really going to work? The interesting thing about the game is we were already making it. We were already making it as our Xbox Live game and in 3D also. It’s designed for 3D already. So the 3DS version is an incremental cost. It’s not a big startup cost. Anything in a transmedia play has a column called marketing in it. It’s also a marketing tool. So how does that game model for us? I believe it will do great, especially if Nintendo is going to go mature and really do a big mature campaign on it. It’s a killer game. It’s got all the weird humor of Saints Row, and also its existence is part of the marketing plan to sell Saints Row 3. Also, all these games have hooks where, if you play it, it unlocks things in Saints Row 3. If you play Saints Row 3, it will unlock things in the 3DS game or the Xbox Live game. I don’t know if I was clear about that, but all of our extension properties all connect and unlock things in each other." - THQ Core Games VP Danny Bilson
Ca³y czas mnie zatsanawai czemu piszecie: np. Saints Row 3Ds, a nie Saints Row 3DS. Przecie¿ w nazwie Nintendo 3DS jest du¿e S.
Ca³y czas mnie zatsanawai czemu piszecie: np. Saints Row 3Ds, a nie Saints Row 3DS. Przecie¿ w nazwie Nintendo 3DS jest du¿e S.
To jest wina silnika forum który automatycznie zamienia wyrazy w tytu³ach tematów tak ¿e tylko pierwsza litera jest wielka. Od d³u¿szego czasu mówiê adminowi ¿eby to zmieni³, ale jako¶ siê nie mo¿e do tego zabraæ :/
przez to mamy te¿ De Blob zamiast de Blob (z ma³ej litery de)...
Zdaje siê, ¿e mi przypadnie niew±tpliwy zaszczyt, ¿e Saints Row NIKOGO.
Zw³aszcza, ¿e to ma byæ port gierki z XBLA.
A potem mówi±, ¿e gry dla doros³ych s³abo siê na DS sprzedaj±... ;)
"gra dla doroslych" :( :(
S± karabiny i rozje¿d¿anie, wiêc jest dla doros³ych. Niewa¿ne, ¿e graj± w ni± g³ównie trzynastolatki. A w Mario dla odmiany - trzydziestolatki. ;-)