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Oficjalnie. Nintendo 3DS używa chip DMP - PICA®200
(nie ma jeszcze tłumaczenia na angielski)
PICA200 is an OpenGL ES1.1 chip featuring a set of proprietary extensions that enable a variety of features that one might normally implement via ES2.0 shaders through a fixed hardware pipeline.
The PICA200 scales with up to four pipelines and processes from up to four programmable vertex units. The 3D core, using their proprietary graphics technology named MAESTRO-2G, the second generation of the Maestro design, implements custom graphics algorithms as hardware for enabling a set of shading features that include per-vertex sub-surface scattering, bidirectional reflectance distribution function, cook-torrance, polygon subdivision, and soft shadowing. Their image post-processing module, the PICA-FBM frame buffer management, can polish the image with anti-aliasing and a set of other 2D functions and can actually be licensed independently as a core for 2D-only devices. In either case, the PICA-FBM can be extended with a PICA-VG vector graphics module.
Specyfika tego chipu do rozpracowania przez technicznych nerdów: http://www.videsignl...bleArticle=true
I jeszcze tabelka z możliwościami PICA 200
Wideo z prezentacji tego chip'a
edit2: To są informacje z prezentacji tego chipa w 2006. Od tamtego czasu mogło się dużo zmienić i istnieje szansa, że to co tu mamy to dopiero wierzchołek góry lodowej możliwości opartej o ten chip konsoli N3DS
Porównanie 3DS z PSP i iPhone 3GS
Wygląda na to że główną przewagą 3DS będzie antialiasing, co zresztą widać na screenach. Gry na PSP wciąż nie odrzucają grafiką, więc nie będzie źle, choć chciałoby się więcej
Ciekawy artykuł o tym, co 3DS ma, a czego nie ma.
3DS Dev Interview with Ryan Strandling: 3DS to have achievements, friends lists, and possibly voice chat
EA hints at extensive online features for 3DS - achievement sharing, friend lists, and much more
Playing games is about playing games with my friends, and I want to know what my other friends are playing online. And that's going to give me the ability, and it's also going to let me know that - sports scores, because I'm interested in sports, exchanging achievements with other players. Because when you look at DS penetration rates, there are going to be a lot of friends to talk to and communicate with. - EA's Ryan Stradling
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